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For general enquiries and further information, please contact us:

Ctra d'Andorra, N-145, km.8

La Farga de Moles, Lérida


Tel: (+34) 973 351427


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Our campsite and bungalow park is located right before the border between Andorra and Spain. To get here, you just need to be headed to Andorra thourgh Spain (La Seu d'Urgell is the last town you will find) and stop 800m before the border.


Frontera Park is located at the left of the N-145, and the exit to get here is in the last roundabout before the border.


Camping frontera bungalow park

Situat a les portes d'Andorra al fons d'un vall fluvial esculpida pels Pirineus, el camping Frontera bungalow park és d'aquells campings de muntanya ideal per disfrutar de la natura

Localizado a las puertas de Andorra en el fondo de un valle fluvial de los Pirineros, el camping Frontera bungalow park es uno de esos campings ideales para disfrutar la naturaleza

Located at the entrance of Andorra and at the bottom of a valley sculpted by the Pyrenees, camping Frontera bungalow park is one of those campings perfect to enjoy the nature


Ctra de Andorra (N-145), km.8 

La Farga de Moles, Lérida, 25799

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TEL: (+34) 973 351427  


© 2020 por Camping Frontera-Park

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